Find your voice.

Student focused learning


*PLEASE NOTE I am currently full and not taking on any new students. Please contact me if you would like to be added to my waitlist.

My teaching background…

My first teaching job came when I was 15, teaching jazz, tap, ballet and theatre at my local dance school. I absolutely loved the energy I saw in my students then and 23 years later, it hasn’t changed. I’ve had the privilege of teaching classroom music and theory, have taken choirs at primary and high schools, held workshops and courses at international tertiary institutions covering topics from audition repertoire, to creating your own cabaret, to transitioning through vocal registers, and continue to teach some wonderfully talented professionals working in touring company’s across Australia.

I believe in trusting your gut when you make music and use your voice - after all, it is an empowering form of self expression. It was therefore deeply important to me as a teacher to back up my gut instinct with a solid understanding of vocal anatomy and physiology. I continue to train with world-class teachers and vocal coaches, offering a flexible teaching approach to suit the contrasting needs of my students. I hold a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Musical Theatre and a Master of Teaching. I am also a proud member of ANATS - the peak national body dedicated to the art of singing and singing teaching.



Where am I based?

Please note that I am currently on maternity leave and won’t be returning to teaching until mid 2024. Thank you!

What should I expect from a lesson?

No lesson will ever be the same between my students because everyone has different needs and expectations. We will initially discuss your goals and I will create lessons to suit. Some students focus on audition preparation, others exam work, some want to focus on tweaking their vocal technique, others want a deeper understanding of vocal anatomy and physiology. Whether you sing professionally, are just starting out, or sing simply for joy, I am here to help.

How should I prepare for an online lesson?

I have taught online for many years when I myself have been on tour and this has increased greatly since Covid. It’s a wonderful option for students who don’t live locally or have tight schedules.

I prefer Zoom for lessons and will send you instructions prior to your first lesson. (Wherby and Facetime are options too if prefered). If you can have a second device or speakers that is always helpful so you can playback audio on your end and see sheet music along with my face! In many ways, online lessons can be even better than in-person and allow for the much needed flexibility busy students/parents often have.

What if I have never sung before?

Wonderful! It’s always exciting when I have students with no prior training as we get to discover together and it’s a truly joyful experience. Though let’s be honest - even those without any vocal training have fun in the shower or belting along to their favourite songs in the car. What training can offer is a deeper understanding and appreciation of our individual vocal qualities and style and expands our skillset, allowing us to sing with greater confidence and freedom.


I have led dozens of students through AMEB exams in both voice and Speech and Drama, along with HSC and VCE exams. I highly reccomend exams for interested younger students as a way of gaining some structure to lessons. With options like Singing for Leisure and Rockschool, you don’t have to sing music that you don’t love, whilst still working towards some accreditations. It’s a win - win!

How much do you charge?

I charge $90 for 55 minutes and $68 for 40 mins.

*Please note that these fees are lower than the minimum recommended rates for private music lessons by the Music Teachers’ Association of NSW. As I am online currently teaching online, I have not lifted the fee’s as recommended.

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